Slide 1: The first shot is an eye level shot on the main actor. He has an anxious look on his face as if he is waiting for the bell to ring, his eyes focused on the clock. The sound of the ticking clock ringing in his ear. The actor is wearing a gray Nike hoodie. As this scene ends the camera starts to pan down.
Slide 2: The camera pans down to see the tapping of the main actor's foot. He is wearing black shorts and his white Nike shoes. With the Nike logo being the most obvious in this shot. His anxiousness is really shown here with the fast tapping of his foot, with a close up shot. The rapid tapping of his foot and the clock still ticking are the most prominent sounds.
Slide 3: The shot will zoom in slowly on the clock. It will emphasize the ticking waiting for it to ring. Each tick will take a second so there will be a total of 2-3 before the bell rings. Cue the bell ring at 1 o clock. When it rings, the music will come in. This will lead into the cut to slide 4.
Slide 4: After the bell rings, our actor will shoot out of his chair and quickly grab his things. His things being his school bag. Our camera will follow him in an action shot. He will open the door. Then it will follow him as he runs out of the classroom and out into the halls. This will lead him into the next shoot being the stairs.
Slide 5: This shot will begin with him being at the top of the stairs. At the top he will throw off his Nike sweatshirt to reveal his NIke practice shirt underneath. All of this will be done in a hurry as he is trying to make it to the track as fast as possible. Once the jacket is off, he will slide down the stairwell railing. He will land on the ground and take off out of shot. The camera will be at the middle of the stairway and will track the actor as he runs in, slides down, and takes off out of shot.
Slide 6: This shot will begin with the actor running in the shot. He will start off by taking his practice shoes out of his bag. Once they are out, he will throw the bag and start hopping to get his current shoes off. This will go on until he hops out of shot. MInor shots will play between the major shots such as the sliding shot, shoe shot, and hurdle jumping shot where the actor is running through the halls. The camera will shoot these at different angles like high, low, and panning to create diversity throughout the commercial.
Slide 7: The main actor while running through the halls will approach two kids carrying a project. The two other actors won’t notice the runner and will walk right into his path. The actor will then hurdle over the project they’re carrying as if it was an actual hurdle on the track. He will then keep running as if nothing had happen. As the actor runs by the camera, the camera will pan to keep him in frame and the track will be seen in the background
Slide 8: The next shot is the main actor finally getting to the track. We will film this as a wide shot where the actor only takes up a small part of the shot. The sun, the track and the clouds will all be in the shot to add perspective to how small the actor is. As he runs up onto the track he clips his foot on the edge and starts to fall over. The actor will scream as he falls over.
Slide 9: The actor will then face plant right onto the track and lays there not getting up. Once he falls the music stops. After a pause of about a second or two, the Nike slogan, “JUST DO IT” in big bold letters will pop up on the top of the screen in the sky with the actor still laying down on the track below. The only sound to break the silence would be birds chirping which will be added in post production. The screen will then cut to black with the Nike swoosh in the center of the screen in white.