Friday, February 18, 2022

Title Research: Fast Times at Ridgemont High


How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which Ones?

In total there were 14 different title cards in the title sequence. The first one was the production company for the movie which was a Refugee Films Production. The next few were all of the main actors in the movie. And similar to other title sequences, following this was the most important production crew members including the production composer, editor, and designer. Lastly, was the executive producer ending with the directors title card.

What connotations do the images carry?

The images in the title sequence specifically show high schoolers all across the mall doing different things. But what they have in common is that they’re all having fun. This sets up the movie having several different plots that all take place at the same time and place but don’t intertwine with each other much.

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

Like previously stated, the background images are all of high schoolers hanging out at a mall. Some of them are shopping, some are with friends and some are working. This represents the different paths high schoolers can take which ultimately is what a coming of age story is supposed to show you.

What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience

The most common convention of a coming of age movie is a high school atmosphere. By having a montage of all of these high school kids at a mall you hit the nail on the head with this convention. The other conventions of popular songs that fit the time period is true for this scene as well. This song being “We Got The Beat” which was very popular in the 80s.

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