Friday, February 18, 2022

Title Research: Dirty Dancing


How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which Ones?
There are a total of thirty-three titles listed in the film. The first two are is the first production company, A Version Pictures, and the company they are in association with for this film, Great American Films. The next state the film is a Linda Gottlied production. The title of the movie is then displayed, “Dirty Dancing.” The movie goes on the display the twelve main actors throughout the film, one being teen heartthrob Patrick Swayze, playing the love interest Johnny. Next comes the person responsible for casting, the associate director, and the production designer. Followed by the people responsible for costumes, the music, the musical score, and the choreography. Then it’s the director of photography, the editor, the two executive producers, the co-producer, who the movie is produced by, and who it is written by. The last credit listed is the director of the film.

What connotations do the images carry?
The beginning of the title sequence shows slow shots of different couples dancing together in slow motion through a black and white lens. This gives the movie a very sensual fell to it. It them shifts to the beginning of the movie while still listing credits as it begins to shit to a more innocent tone including the introduction of the main character, Baby. This shift to a brighter, more light-hearted scene and setting correlates with the introduction to Baby and her presumed innocence as a girl. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The introduction of the teenage girl on the cusp of adulthood and her explanation of herself towards the end of sequence sets up to show her as a character as well as presenting the scenery for which she will shift and eventually come-of-age, fitting the genre. The contrast between the first scene of the dancing and the scene of the family coming upon Kellerman’s shows the transition Baby will make, but in reverse. 

What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience.
The Fade in and out between each couple at the beginning provides a sensual feeling to the audience holding their attention after reading the title of them movie. Of course, a movie titled dirty dancing would need something like this to catch and hold the attention of those watching before transitioning to the lighter beginning. The first song continues to add to this passion considering it is a slower love song with suggestive lyrics. The male voice over provides the necessary transition from sultry to sinless that keeps the focus on the film. The long shot of the car sets up an introductory to the Baby, the setting, and the story line that is to come. The two shot of Baby and her sister shows to extreme contrast between the more seductiveness of her sister versus the conservativeness of Baby, making the audience wonder how this girl-next-door will become staple point of sensuality as suggested by the title and opening scene. 

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