With how well it worked the last two times, I knew right away that I wanted to work with Bliss again for the third video. We once again both decided that we wanted to keep it small and only work with us two so that we wouldn't have any major issues with finding a day everyone is available like a group of 4 would have. I met Bliss in 6th grade when we had almost all of our classes and since then we've become very close friends. Not only did we work on our music video and commercial together but we've worked well together on multiple other projects. The most notable being our AICE Global Perspectives presentation our freshman year. So because I knew we were a good duo, I knew almost immediately I wanted to work with her again. think the 2 of us will work well together on this project because we each offer something unique to bring to the group. I've never had any issues being in front of a camera so I'd likely be the choice for the main actor in the commercial. On the other hand, Bliss told me she wanted to stay behind the scenes and since she is really into photography and cinematography she would be the perfect cameraman for the job. Both of us will be involved in every part of the way helping with whatever is needed, but I think we have a clear leader for each part of the process that knows a bit more than the rest in their respective field. Even though we just decided to work together yesterday I think the 2 of us have already brainstormed several great ideas for the project. We have already come up with a couple of brands and ideas for what we would do with each of those brands. The next step for us as a group is to choose what we want the general idea of our movie to be and start researching what genre that idea should be. We intend to do this in our next class together so that we can get an early start on it. We also intend to make a schedule for when we want to accomplish each portion of the project. For example, having the storyboard finished by next week. Already as a duo, we've shown good communication which gives me high hopes for the duration of the project. We each learned a lot together from the last two projects, specifically how we like to work. So seeing that we did well the last two times, I think for this project, we will do even better. We've both set the bar really high this time and intend to uphold that when it comes time to submit the final project. And I also think that Bliss and I are already eager to start the filming as soon as possible.
Monday, January 31, 2022
One Last Ride
My name is Zack Zimmerman and here's a little bit about my life. I'm currently a junior at Fort Lauderdale High school in Florida. I typically do well in all of my classes always making sure that I'm putting my best foot forward every day. But at the same time, I also like to not stress too much about the small stuff and go with the flow when I need to. My motto has always been to keep a positive perspective in every situation because It always seems to keep me in the right headspace and I'm almost never feeling down. Most of my peers know me for running competitively. I run both Track and Cross Country for my school and have been doing it since I was in 5th grade. Outside of school, it's what I spend most of my time doing and has become my passion. I definitely want to incorporate running or something athletic-related into my commercial project because I think I know a lot about the targeted audience for sporting brands since I am a part of that group. In school, my favorite activity is debate. I compete nationally against the best debaters in the country and tend to fare pretty well in those competitions. My dream career is to be in the sports media industry which combines my two passions of athletics and debate. More specifically, I want to be a host on a talk show similar to Stephen A. Smith on ESPN's First Take. Ultimately, that's one of the main reasons I wanted to take this class. It's not just that media is in the name, but I know this class dives into how content in various forms of media is made and I want to indulge myself in this world. I often choose the classes I take not based on what would look the best on a college resume but rather on which class can teach me the most relevant information for my future. And I think it's safe to say that taking AICE Media Studies is no exception to this. I like to think of myself as determined and when I put my mind to something, I shift all my effort into doing it to the best of my abilities. And I expect myself to do the same with all of the projects I do in this class during the duration of the year.
Font: Barlow Condensed Size: 36 Color: Red & White Studio: Black Studios Production: Marauders Production Actors: Zack Zimmerman and S...
For today the task at hand was editing. Unluckily, I wasn’t able to make it to school today to edit in person so I helped out mostly at Hom...