Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Intentionally Tripping Five Times

 On the itinerary for October 4th was wrapping up the filming. We only had three more shots to do so as a group we wanted to make sure we do them all right since we couldn’t refilm anything after this day. Sadly bliss couldn’t make it today to film but she still helped us from home. The first shot we did was the one of me changing shoes. We had to think a lot about how to do turn me taking off one shoe and putting on another while running into a shot less than 5 seconds. After multiple attempts we landed on having the shoe I had on very loose so that I could kick it off and than put on the other shoe while hopping along. We took a couple takes and sent bliss the one we liked the most and once she approved of it we went on to the next shot. We wanted to refilm the scene with the ladder next because we didn’t like how it looked last class. So me and Luke grabbed two of our other friends who finished their filming already and asked them to hold the ladder up for the shot. This only took us one take to get right so we didn’t spend too much time on it. And just like last time we got the best take approved by bliss before moving on. The last shot was probably the hardest and the one we planned out the most for the commercial. It was going to be the last part of the commercial where I finally make it to the track but trip and fall when I get there. We tested out many different angles for this shot ranging from a low angle close shot to a very far wide shot. Eventually we landed on a angle we liked and did a couple practice runs to make sure the tripping looked believable. I had to find a way to balance looking real and not actually hurting myself during this part and we ended up finding a medium between the two. We also had to wait for other groups filming at the track to finish because we didn’t want to have them in the background of our commercial. After a lot of falling we eventually got a shot that the three of us liked and stuck with it. I washed off the dirt from my hands and knees and went back inside to conclude this long day of filming. Unlike last time I was able to make it away with today’s filming session without hurting myself. 

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