Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Editing From Home

 For today the task at hand was editing. Unluckily, I wasn’t able to make it to school today to edit in person so I helped out mostly at Home. Since I wasn’t at school I was able to start the editing before my group mates could so I decided to put all the clips together into a 30 second video so all they had to worry about was the audio and other effects for the commercial. The first thing I did was upload every single take that we liked for each scene into iMovie in the order we wanted them to appear. This part was really easy to do since we had the story board plan out all the shots and we had ordered them prior to the actual editing process. I then trimmed all of the clips to start when I entered the shot and to end when I left the shot. But even after all of this trimming we had way too many shots and the commercial was 15 seconds over time. So the first thing I did was delete all the unnecessary shots which ended up being the one of me running with a wide shot and another scene of me running past the camera that was similar to another shot. Now with all the necessary scenes I was still a couple seconds over the time. My next idea to shorten the video was to trim each shot a bit more. For example in the scene of me sliding down the stairs, there is an additional 2 seconds to the original shot where I ran off to the left. But seeing how that didn’t add anything to the final project I cut it out. I did similar things to all the other shots and finally got it down to less than two seconds over the 30 second limit. I was talking to my group mates for advice and Luke suggested that I sped up some of the clips by 10-20% and see how it looked. So I tested this out for every scene and for some of them it worked. Obviously the first shot of me tapping my feet didn’t look good sped up since I was tapping them way too fast and it looked obvious it was sped up. Similarly with the shot of the clock I couldn’t speed it up because the time needed to be accurate. But for some of the scenes of me running around the school, they actually looked better when I did them faster. The two ones I changed were the wide angle shot of me throwing off my jacket and the shot where I slid down the stairs. With the commercial now at the 30 second length I sent it over to my group and trusted them to do the rest of the editing. 

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